Nicholas Kaw


Aspiring data analyst. Graduated from the University of Hawaii at Manoa with Bachelors in Economics and a minor in Computer Science in the Spring of 2023.

Interests: Data Visualization, Statistics, Software Engineering, Web Development, Economics


Vacay 2015

A responsive web application for travel planning that my team developed in ICS 415.

Javascript Meteor MongoDB GitHub

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Micromouse 2015

My team developed a robotic mouse that won first place in the 2015 UH Micromouse competition.

Robotics Arduino C++

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Cotton 2014

A text adventure game that I developed for ICS 313.

Lisp GitHub

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The difficult things will always be difficult

06 Feb 2016

Difficulty: a thing that is hard to accomplish, deal with, or understand. One of my friends asked the question earlier last week – why is it so hard to be an officer for the student branch? Why is so hard...


Smart Questions, Good Answers

08 Sep 2015

Is there such thing as a stupid question? I’ve had instructors address a whole class and say, “There’s no such thing as a stupid question.” I now know that is in fact not true because I’ve challenged the statement and...

Questions Answers StackOverflow

Igniting the fire

26 Aug 2015

Ever since I first grasped a paintbrush, I’ve always been eager to learn about design. Design is such a complex concept. For example, when looking at abstract art, its meaning can be completely different for different people. It motivates a...

Software Engineering Learning